Redesigning the D23 Gold Member registration experience
D23: The Official Disney Fan Club has migrated all membership sales, renewals, and account management off of shopDisney.com to D23.com. This enables D23 to have full control over the Guest journey, from discovery to purchase. Our project goal is to develop an overarching website strategy that integrates member registration and re-invisions the look and feel of D23.com to reflect the Disney brand and product standard.
Membership sign-up process is confusing and requires many steps which can be a deterrence to users trying to complete their registration.
Cannot renew international memberships
Educate non-members about what D23 is
Reduce the friction of membership sign-up
Improve the conversion funnel
Align with subscription best practices
Provide easier access to membership data by creating a scalable membership dashboard
Potential D23 members and D23 General Members
Current D23 Gold and Gold Family members
Disney fans unaware of D23 Expo or the Fan Club
UX Designer / Researcher
How did we make this?
Prior user journey pain points:

We conducted several user tests on current non-members and asked them to perform the task of buying D23 Expo tickets using their Gold Member discount.
In order to do this, they had to sign up to become a D23 member. We noted each of their steps throughout the process and averaged out their overall emotional experience during the transaction process.
Survey results:
We analyzed the results of our annual Member survey.
Total sample: roughly 10,000 members:
3,500 Gold Members
3,800 General Members
3,500 non-members)
Some key takeaways:
General members skew a bit younger than Gold / Gold Family members (Largest General age range 25-34; largest Gold age range 45-54)
Top reasons Gold/GF members joined D23 are publications, events, and discounts
~45% of members are engaged with at least one other TWDC program (Disney Rewards Visa, DMR Member, Parks AP holder, WD Shareholder, DVC Member, etc.)
Members have an overall positive opinion of their D23 membership
Top reasons Gold/GF members originally joined D23 are the publications and events
Gold/GF members are most satisfied with the publication, gift, and digital content
Members are most interested in Parks and Walt Disney / Disney History
Gold Members visit D23.com for Events info, while General Members visit for News
~80% of members who use social media follow D23 on 1+ platform
There is still room to grow knowledge of paid benefits among general members

Competitive Analysis
Other subscription websites:

User Personas

User Flows
Non-member to Gold:

General Member to Gold:

Gold Member dashboard:

Gold Member cancellation:

Style Guide

Mock Ups